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Below gives some more details to how I go about my run in the form of an FAQ

How far do you run a day?

I started with the rough idea to do about 20 miles (32km) a day on average until my body adapted. This depends on all measure of things though and sometimes I will do more or less. This could be because the distance to a particular finish point or accommodation just works out to be more or less than 20 miles or because the terrian is particularly difficult (mountainous), or perhaps I'm just feeling really good or bad on a particular day.


Over the Alps the daily distance was more variable as I adjusted to how rough the terrain was and how much climbing I was doing.


After the Alps I plan to increase the daily mileage to about 25 miles (40km) a day and maybe gradually a bit more as my body adapts.

How quickly do you run?

Not quick. On good terrain with the backpack I was typically aiming for between 5.5 and 6 mph (about 10 minutes/mile) - this is a good deal slower than I'd normally run but with the weight and the accumulation of daily miles is a sensible pace. When in the high mountains I will mostly hike but run whenever the terrain allows. Pace is really irrelevant to this journey - doing the daily mileage, however long it takes, is the key aim! I do intend to always run though - not walk - with the exception of the noted days when I go up mountains!

How long will it take?

I don't know. About two and a half years is a good estimate. I don't want to rush it - I want to enjoy and experience the places I am running through.

How do you transport your belongings?

I carry them in a rucksack - including a tent, sleeping bag/mattress, electronics, minimal spare clothes and minimal toiletries! I have very light equipment and only carry the bare essentials to survive and so the bag only weighs about 6kg without food and water. A photo of the contents of my pack when I started out is above.


I chose to do this until after the Alps so that I could go on more trails and over the mountains. The additional weight gets to you though whilst running for an extended period of time and it limits my ability to carry much food and water. This has proved a problem when its hot and water is scarce and when camping I have found it difficult to get enough calories as I couldn't carry or cook food.


In Slovenia - after the Alps - I plan to change to a running buggy to be able to push my belongings. On the flat this should be much quicker and will save my back, hips and knees! I should also be able to carry a few more "luxury items" - like clean clothes and deodorant(!) - as well as more food and water which should help me run and recover better.

Where do you sleep?

As I mentioned above, I carry a tent so I can camp anywhere (with permission). I will tend to stay in a hostel, cheaper hotel or on a cmpsite every few days to allow me to shower, rinse clothes, charge devices (I also carry a battery bank), eat better and, if the weather has been bad, dry out.


The best thing anyone can do to help me on my way is offer me a place to sleep - a spot to camp in a garden is a luxury!

What do you eat?

Not a lot! I do not carry a stove at the moment so I cannot cook. I pick up things at shops along the way as regulalry as often so I don't have to carry as much! This means I can't have multi-portion items (like a box of cereal, for instance) which further limits my options. I tend to pick up sandwiches or ready made salads, energy bars, chocolate, fruit etc for lunch and at night (when camping) I have cold-soaked cous cous with olive oil and tinned/jarred vegetables and/or fish. It sucks! When stopping in towns I will get a meal and try and re-stock some calories.


I was vegan before this trip but decided that it would be very difficult to maintain this during the run as sometimes I have to eat whatever I can buy. I am therefore eating fish and dairy but still don't eat meat. That said, I try to limit fish and dairy and eat as plant-based as possible.

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